Let’s Begin Utopia P2P Twitter Meme Campaign! [Total bank of 10,000 CRPs]

Utopia P2P
2 min readMay 6, 2022


Utopia P2P is pleased to announce the start of a Meme Campaign with a total bank of 10,000 CRPs. The campaign will last from 6 to 20 May. The coins awarded can be received from May 30 to June 14.

*The first 300 accounts/people, who create memes according to the rules below, will receive 33 Cryptons = $25 (at the rate of the campaign beginning.)

  1. Create a meme according to the rules that will be presented below.

Note: Memes made in a rude tone or not conforming to the rules will be disqualified.

  • The meme should be created based on Crypton (CRP) — the main financial unit of Utopia P2P.
  • Use intellectual humor to create the meme. It should not contain silly references to old jokes or comparing with other products. Create original, funny memes — concentrate on humor.

2. Post the ready-made memes on your Twitter account.

  • Mention 3 famous crypto influencers of your choice.
  • Use the hashtag — #utopia_p2p_meme, so that we can see your meme.
  • Mention Utopia P2P’s official Twitter account in your post — @UtopiaP2P

*Please, note that your account must meet the following criteria:

✔Be over one-year-old

✔Have more than 100 followers

✔Have a trust score of at least 90% on the TWITTERAUDIT service.

✔Be an organic account — not used only for registration in promotions and advertising campaigns.

✔If your account has more than 5 publications per week in which you participate in airdrops or other promotion campaigns — such accounts will be disqualified.

Note: You can create and post no more than 3 memes from one account.

Also, you may ask why you need to create 3 memes if you can make only 1 and get CRPs. Remember that perhaps one of your memes will be created against the rules. Besides, you can come up with a super hit that will help the Utopia P2P project become more popular.

3. Create a report.

  • Add a link to your Twitter post in the comments to the publication, and specify your Utopia P2P wallet (Note: Your Public Key (PK) = your wallet.)

Note: Use this guide to create a Utopia P2P account and wallet.

Keep in mind that after making an account, the wallet can be created within 5–7 minutes. Therefore, if you simply create an account and immediately log out, the wallet may not be created. While waiting for the wallet, get to know the Utopia P2P ecosystem and its tools better.

The coins awarded can be received from May 30 to June 14.

Several useful links to Utopia P2P social networks:





Utopia P2P

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